Progress to be proud of on Equal Pay Day

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  • 1 minute read

📣 Under our Government, the gender pay gap has hit a record low.

Today’s Equal Pay Day marks the 50 days women have to work, on average, to earn the same salary as men each year.

I’ve advocated for Equal Pay for a long time, standing with women workers who’ve demanded better.

And I’m proud that under our Government, women are now earning $173 more per week, because we:

💜 Supported significant boosts to the minimum wage

💜 Backed a 15 per cent wage boost for aged care workers

💜 Reformed our workplace laws to put gender equality at the heart

This and so much more has gotten us steps closer to Equal Pay – with the pay gap now standing at 11.5 per cent.

There’s more work to do, but this is progress to be proud of!